If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Joffe Numeroff Illustrated by Felicia Bond
borrowed from the library
Moose wants a muffin and then things just go from there.
Mom's Review: I really like this one by Laura Numeroff! Moose is super cute and creative. Felicia Bond's illustrations, as always, are top-notch! Moose is so lovable and sweet. And honestly, I think I was more drawn to this one more than the other Numeroff/Bond "If You Give..." books because moose and me have lots in common: we like muffins, and jam, and sewing, and ghosts, and sweaters. Oh, and I really like the kitchen in this book. I think this one is replacing If You Give a Pig a Pancake as my favorite.
Daughter's Review: I liked it because it had a puppet show.
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