Silly Suzy Goose by Petr Horacek
Suzy Goose wants to be different.
Mom's Review: I'm gonna be blunt. I hate this book. At first you think, "Oh cool, this will be about individuality..." until the line, "Perhaps it is better to be just like everyone else, thought Suzy Goose...but not always." Ew. I know, there's that little disclaimer: "...but not always." But seriously?! I desperately try to instill in Abby to be herself (she often wears two different shoes), to feel confident in her special abilities, and to not feel awkward when others point out her unique qualities. It is better to be different, so suck it Suzy Goose.
Daughter's Review: I liked it because it had goose in it. (sense a theme with Abby's responses?!)
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