Kipper the dog buys his friend Pig a hamster for his birthday, but quickly falls in love with the little furball.
Mom's Review: I love the TV show Kipper. I do. I'm a bit saddened that my daughter would prefer the mind-numbing antics of teenagers (a la Hannah Montana & iCarly)to the simple, nothing but lovable Kipper and his friends. There is no teen angst on Kipper, only the occasional word from Arnold. There is not brushed forward, floppy hair on teenage boys on Kipper, just Kipper and his friends celebrating the ordinary. *sigh* Alas, Kipper has taken up residence in our imagination again through books. Genius! The book reads almost verbatim as the episode, so that has caught the child's attention. While reading it, I feel remiss that I do not have the clever British accent that Kipper does. I wish I had the quirky background music, but I don't. Instead, I will read Kipper over and over with the soundtrack playing in my head.
Daughter's Review:I liked it.
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