Friday, December 31, 2010

The Cat in the Hat & Happy New Year

The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss

A cat messes up a kid's house and torments the fish and then fixes it up in time for mom to come home.

Mom's Review: I have never liked Dr. Seuss books. Ever. Even when I was little, I wanted to set them on fire. (OK, not to that extreme, but I'm making a point.) Courtesy of PBS's new "Cat in the Hat" show, which, I'll admit is a lot better then the books because they're educational (for instance, I learned how bees make honey and am now kind of grossed out by it.) Anyhow, in summary:
I say, "I do not like Cat in the Hat.
I do not like it and that is that."

Daughter's Review: I liked it because I like cats.

Happy New Year! By Emery Bernhard Illustrated by Durga Bernhard

New Year traditions/customs from around the world.

Mom's Review:
This is boring for a kid's book. Too wordy and not very kid-friendly. I found some it interesting, but I'm pretty sure Abby didn't. I skipped several pages. I also skipped the parts about evil spirits and the grim reaper. The only thing less appropriate for a bedtime story is a tale about a child-eating monster who lives under the bed and grab at you while you attempt to shield yourself with your thin layer of blanket.

Daughter's Review: I didn't like it because it was boring.


  1. Peyton's been watching The Cat In The Hat on PBS. I too, was very disturbed about how the bees make honey and swore I'd never eat it again. Though I rarely eat it now. Ick.

  2. I had no idea this was on PBS. I will have to check it out. Ben loves Dr Seuss books. I find them a tad bit annoying, but whatever lol
