So, it's been over a month. Books have been read, I've just been lazy. I kind of suck that way. Here are the books that we read over and over (and over and over) this holiday season.
The Polar Express written and illustrated by Chris Van AllsburgI bought this book for Abby when she was a year old. We've only read it now mainly because I saw some of the movie in my pre-mom days (oh so long ago, it seems!) and was completely unimpressed. Yeah, I'm going on record with that. I don't care what you say, the movie bored me. I found the characters creepy and reminiscent of those
duracell battery people. Anyhow, I should have known better. The book is always better than the movie, even in the case of children's books.
Mom's Review: The illustrations are beautiful. I've always been drawn to extreme light and dark contrasts. This is why I love
Edward Hopper's work. The story is cute and heartwarming and inspired us to take our own little trip on the the not-to-be-copyright-infringed
"North Pole Express" in New Hope, PA. It was fun, just wish we had cool scenery to look at instead of, as my husband put it, "dead trees in rich people's back yards."
Daughter's Review: I liked it because I like trains.
Santa Mouse by Michael Brown Illustrated by Elfrieda De Witt
A lonely mouse become Santa's special helper.
Mom's Review: I had this book when I was little. I still have the copy, but since it's battered and tattered, and stained, I bought Abby her own copy; I think around the same time that I bought
The Polar Express. I love this book. This is a completely biased opinion. That's just the way it is. I love the rhymes and I love Santa Mouse. I always felt sad that he was so lonely and had to make up his own friends. Happily, Santa never forgot about him and took him under his wing. Santa is cool that way.
Daughter's Review: I like it because I like Santa and I like presents. And I like mouses.
A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles M. SchulzDo I really need to recap this book? If so, go to
hulu and watch it. And then come back here and thank me for introducing you to the depressed, cynical anti-hero child that is Charlie Brown.
Mom's Review: The book is a good recap of the TV show. But, I'm just gonna admit it, I like the show better mainly because you get the tone of the characters voices which add so much to the lines. My favorite line, "I know no one likes me, why do we need a holiday season to emphasize it?" Oh Charlie Brown, you are my kindred spirit.
Daughter's Review: I liked it because I like dogs and Christmas. And that's it.
Step Inside The Nutcracker: A Magical 3-Dimensional Fairytale World Story Retold by Janine Amos Illustrated by Marsela Hajdinjak KrecSo, we went to see The Nutcracker ballet with some friends. We had a great time. It really was magical. I think it was so great because I had minimal expectations. I figured Abby would be bored and antsy-pants, so when she was well-behaved and intrigued, it made me smile and I had a wonderful time! She picked this book out with a Barnes & Noble gift card she got for her birthday (thanks,
Mike and
Rochelle & Julian!)
It's a beautifully illustrated, three-dimensional book. You can just look at this book over and over. No words will do the artistic design of this book justice.
Daughter's Review: I liked it because I like the show and the Sugarplum Fairy and the Queen. And the nutcracker. Mostly all of it.