Dandelion by Don Freeman
Dandelion the lion is invited to a tea and taffy party and told to "come as you are."
Mom's Review: This is one of my recent thrift store finds. It was originally published in 1964. This copy is from 1977. I really liked this book because of its moral of "just be yourself." I love that. Dandelion gets all jazzed up for his friend's tea and taffy party (wish I was invited to one of those 'cause it sounds awesome) but his friend doesn't recognize him with his dapper jacket, cane, cap, and, curled locks. He gets caught in the rain and then gets transformed into his usual non-flamboyant self. He and his friends all have a good laugh about the misunderstanding. Cute book, looking forward to reading it again.
Daughter's Review: I liked it because he got dressed up.
this book sounds adorable!