An OCD rabbit gets a new rug (duh) and invites his friends over to see it, but then doesn't want anyone to step on it.
Mom's Review:
I'm completely biased because this was one of my favorite books when I was little, mainly due to the pictures. I love the inside covers. They are illustrations of Rabbit's rug; I always thought that was so neat. I love(d) the bold colors and thick outlining of the illustrations. I also loved the party at the end of the book. I used to (kinda still do) want to go to the party at the end. Rabbit's tree house looks so comfy, cozy, and welcoming: from the insane pink sofa (OMG! I just had a revelation... I think I know why I love his sofa... when I was little my parents used to have a pink velvet sofa & love seat set!) I seriously just realized the connection. Anyhow, I loved the pink cake he had, and the bowl of candy. I don't know why, everything about it seems fun. The story itself, is OK, but I do love the snarky comments by Fox. If I was a character in the book, I'm pretty sure I'd be a Fox.
Daughter's Review: I liked when he got his new rug.
This was so fun to read! I just ordered this on Ebay. The above comment is my EXACT feelings about this book. I loved the pictures and colors as well. I never forgot it. One of my teachers had it when I was a little girl. I read it over and over.