Friday, February 17, 2012

A Confession.

I miss the blog terribly. Each time we read a book, I think of this space.

Why have I stopped blogging? Because I am a bad, bad library-goer. See those books listed below? "The Hinky Pink"? "Good Boy, Fergus," "A Bad Case of Stripes"? See them? Yeah, they were good books. And I... (shuffling foot, looking at the ground) I haven't returned them! It's been almost a year!

At first they were just late. Then I thought, "Oh, let me go return them, I'll check the site to see what my fee is." ACK! It was no longer late, but delinquent and I had to PAY for the books. And rightly, so, I admit, however, I cannot afford that. So, I've decided to wait for an amnesty day.

And so, my dear reader(s), if you still come here, which I doubt you do, because it's been almost a year, that is the excuse.

I want to start it up again though. Perhaps I will with the weekly books that the kiddo gets out of her school library.

I'm sorry. :(

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Hinky Pink

The Hinky Pink an old tale retold by Megan McDonald Illustrated by Brian Floca

A seamstress' dream comes true, only to be disrupted by a hinky pink.

Mom's Review: Did you ever see a movie that featured several different, yet connected story lines? A movie that was so good, you felt like all the pieces were going to come together and make perfect sense until it ended and it sucked? (Think: "Magnolia.") Anyhow, this book was the children's book version of "Magnolia." OK, I know a lot of people loved that movie. In my not-so-humble opinion, they just liked the movie because they didn't get it, but wanted to appear smart or esoteric or something. Whatever, dude. Frogs falling from the sky does not a good movie make. ANYHOW... this book didn't have descending frogs, but it did feature a "Hinky Pink" which was an unexplained little critter who wanted a comfortable bed. HUH!? It seemed to have nothing to do with the story. It was annoying really. What was the Hinky Pink's motivation? None of that was explained. The story would have been good enough with the seamstress getting to make a beautiful gown for the princess. In all fairness, this is an old story, retold. And, I think that Megan McDonald did a great job! It's very fun to read aloud. The descriptions are imaginative. I didn't much care for the story, but I did enjoy the writing. I know Abby enjoyed this book, it had her full attention.
The illustrations were very pretty to look at, plus, I loved reading all the sewing-related metaphors.

Daughter's Review: I love every page except the page where the princess is demanding. My favorite part is the part with the dress.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Frederick by Leo Lionni

Frederick the mouse preps for winter in an unusual way.

Mom's Review: Don't let the apparent simplicity of this book trick you; it is a complex tale! I love this book because of what it advocates: creativity. Frederick is an introspective little artist who helps his utilitarian friends embrace their imaginations. I don't think Abby has fully grasped the dimensions of this book, but I can tell she knows there's a message in there.

Daughter's Review: I like it because I LOVE mouses.

A Bad Case of Stripes

A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon

A little girl has a very odd condition.

Mom's Review: Confession: I'm 34 and still get the occasional case of the stripes. Don't know what that means? Get your hands on this book! You may realize that you still suffer from stripes. And you'll realize that you want to avoid them and you want your child to avoid them too. Basically, having the stripes is the physical manifestation of what happens when you care too much about what other think of you. No one needs that pressure! The images are beautiful and clever. I haven't asked Abby for her review yet, but I know that she loves this book because she loves looking at the pictures. She also is curious to know if this is a true story. *sigh* What a loaded question.
I'm adding David Shannon to my list of favorite authors.

Daughter's Review: I like it because I like different colors. I also like lima beans even though I don't know what they are. Do they taste like limes?

Good Boy, Fergus!

Good Boy, Fergus! By David Shannon

A day in the life of Fergus the dog.

Mom's Review: Here are two questions to see if you'll like this book:
1. Do you have a dog?
2. If no, do you like dogs?
3. If no, what the heck is wrong with you!?

This is a simple book with fun and colorful illustrations. This is one of those books that really depends on your vocal inflections when you read it. It's a wonderful read aloud book. I wish I had a Fergus.

Daughter's Review:
I like it because of the doggy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Bunny Who Found Easter

The Bunny Who Found Easter by Charlotte Zolotow Illustrated by Helen Craig

A bunny is searching for Easter.

Mom's Review: This is an enjoyable book. The white bunny travels through the seasons searching for other bunnies and Easter; however, he ends up exactly where he began. He did find what he was looking for, although it was slightly different than he expected. This book works on so many levels. The more figurative level is probably lost of children until further explained, but that doesn't matter. The book is a fun story with perfectly springy illustrations.

Daughter's Review:
I loved it because I love brown bunnies. That's it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Princesses are Not Perfect

Princesses are Not Perfect by Kate Lum illustrated by Sue Hellard

Three princesses switch hobbies.

Mom's Review:
As far as stories go, this one is 100% predictable, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. It was entertaining to see the princesses do what they love and then try something new. I greatly appreciate each princess' love of her unique talent and how she turns to her passion in times of despair. The illustrations are fun to look at. There is a lot going on and a lot to take in, but it's worth it.

Daughter's Review:
I like it because I like crazy and because I like princesses.